We’ve redesigned our website!

Hello, MNJAG!

We have redesigned the Minnesota Jewelry Arts Guild website! We wanted to provide more opportunities for our members to show off their work, and to have more up to date information about all the new exhibitions, workshops, and other events we’re planning.  

Take a look! 

We now have a searchable directory of Member Galleries and Profiles, Exhibition pages for past and upcoming shows, a more robust calendar of Events, a display of Instagram posts, and other features that will help you get more exposure and connect better with learning opportunities within our organization and beyond.

The new Member Galleries are exciting because they give you the opportunity to create your own page. Our previous member listings had space for just one photo and the artist’s name … but in our new Member Galleries, you can upload a virtual business card, bio, contact information, social media handles, and up to 20 photos! And you’ll have access to login and and control this information yourself, so you can easily keep it up to date. Click here to find and instruction page for uploading your information. And click here if you’d like to follow along with Danny as he goes through the process of setting up his profile!

Back in April of 2020, the board made the decision to defer membership dues for one year thus making all current and former members, members in good standing for the 2020-2021 fiscal year. As we enter the new fiscal year with our upcoming June membership drive, we’re offering a 25% early bird discount to our membership if you re-join before May 31!

Please rejoin MNJAG at https://mnjag.org/join/ to create your new member profile and gallery! And if you wish, apply the Discount Code ‘earlybird’ to receive a 25% discount (offer expires May 31, 2021).

Thank you for supporting the Minnesota Jewelry Arts Guild! 

Karin Jacobson
Juan Fried
Liz Bucheit
Camille Knutson
Ann Madland

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